ADK Fragrance farm

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What our Customers have to say!

Herbs at Adirondack Fragrance and Flavor Farm

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Happy Customer Testimonial

Absolutely amazing. Tried this (Balsam Lavender Body Lotion) on at the Adirondack General Store and had to have it. It’s so relaxing, and just envelopes me. I love it.   Bridget

This candle (Balsam-Cedar Hand-Poured Candles 5 oz  smells fantastic. Just like being in a pine forest.  Tara
If there was a 6th star I would use it! These candles smell amazing and are authentic with the pine needles right on top of the candle! (Balsam-Cedar Hand-Poured Candles 5 oz ) Mary
We have milkweed growing in abundance around my neighborhood and each year, it just intoxicates me when they bloom in June. This year, I decided to search out milkweed perfume. Adirondack was THE ONLY one available. I LOVE it! The scent is less ‘green’ and ‘fresh’ than the real thing, imo. I feel as though there are more spicy/warm notes but it’s wonderful nonetheless. VERY long lasting! I will purchase more. We also received a sample stick of the Vanilla-Balsam scent and it is STILL scenting our bathroom nearly two weeks later!  you (Adirondack Artisan Perfume – Milkweed Flower)  Karin

My husband won’t use anything else for air spray. He says it not only smells great but removes other smells. (Mountain Air Aromatic SprayConnie

Years ago I purchased Sandy Maine’s Soap Book and I thought “She makes it seem easy and fun.”  Ordered all the ingredients and equipment and made some decent soap. Definitely ordered chocolate and sweetgrass essential oils from Sandy (Sunfeather at that time). I will never forget standing on my back deck with the chemical proof apron and goggles stirring with the long spoon trying to figure out if it’s tracing! I love homemade soaps and collect soaps in my travels. I decided to put away the soap making stuff and just enjoy the efforts of talented soap crafters. We were in the Lake George and Lake Placid area this past week and I knew the company was located in Potsdam. Unfortunately we had to head home before the store opened on Saturday. But your online site made my dreams come true and I anxiously await my order. I love Sandy’s story and her books – first endeavor into soap, the history of soap, the recipes which were so detailed and easy to follow and everything else. I have three of her books in my library and soon I will have her soap. So that’s my story. Sandy Maine is a true American treasure who shared her love of soap making with so many of us and she is our inspiration. Thank you.   Edie Gentile

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